Forty days after Christ’s resurrection, He was taken up into the Heavens before the disciples, and so forty days after Easter, is the Feast of the Ascension.
The icon for this feast shows the events as described in the Book of
Acts, though as with all Holy Icons there is more revealed than just a
straight retelling of the story in pictures.
From the Rabbula Gospels (6thCentury)
Based on the accounts written by St Luke in his Gospel (Luke 24:36-53) and the Book of Acts (Acts 1:1-12),
the icon of the Ascension is correspondingly ancient. One of the
earliest surviving images of the Ascension, a full-page illustration
from the 6th century Rabbula Gospels,
is remarkably similar to all subsequent icons, with precious few
variations. Icons from St Catherine’s monastery in Sinai, for example,
show little change between images of the Ascension made in the 6th century with those painted almost 600 years later. Regardless of age or location, the Icon of the Ascension seems to have been “canonized” early on in the Church’s history.
The image itself is characterized by colour: the robes of the
Apostles, the Mother of God, the Angels, and Christ Himself surrounded
by light; all this is suitable for the Feast itself, which is one of the
Twelve Great Feasts and a joyous celebration.
The icon contains both confusion and peace: the former is borne of
worldly reasoning, whilst the latter comes from divine, heavenly, order.
In the Scriptures, Jesus is described as being merely “taken up” into
the skies and disappearing from sight behind a cloud. Seemingly
contrary to this, the icon of the event shows Christ in glory:
surrounded by a mandorla
(or circle) of light, flanked by angels, and arrayed in brilliant
golden robes. Indeed, the similarity between the appearance of Christ at
His Ascension, and the appearance of Christ at His Second Coming are striking:
The image of Christ in glory, seated upon a “rainbow”, comes directly
from the Book of Revelation, regarding the Last Judgment and Second
Coming of Jesus Christ:
Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne. And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald. (Rev 4:2-3)
The reason Christ ascending into Heaven is depicted the same as
Christ’s Second Coming is because of the words of the angels present at
the Ascension:
“Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:11)
And so the Icon depicts Jesus’ Ascension and Second Coming “in like
manner”. Not that the disciples below Christ fully understand these
words yet.
The distinction between heavenly peace and worldly confusion is most
apparent upon the Mount of Olives. The Apostles look up in a combination
of fear and wonder, their arms waving like the olive trees on the
mount. In the centre, the two angels “in white apparel” exhort the men
to cease their gazing into heaven and return to Jerusalem to receive the
promised gift of the Holy Spirit. Between the two angels stands Mary
the Mother of God, hands raised in prayer, not staring up, but
peacefully toward us. Already overshadowed by the Holy Spirit since Christ’s conception,
Mary appears to understand the deep mysteries of her Son’s birth,
death, resurrection and ascension, already hoping on Christ’s return.
This hope brings her the divine peace shared by Jesus Christ and the
angels: they all have halos signifying the grace and glory of God,
whereas the disordered Apostles do not.
An Icon of the Church Before Pentecost
The Ascension, as well as showing the historical event of Christ’s
ascension, also symbolically depicts the Church. This is most evident by
the Apostle Paul being present in the icon, despite the Ascension
occurring before Paul’s conversion (recounted later in the Book of
This ahistoric depiction is not uncommon in holy icons: the icon of Pentecost
also shows Paul, as it too is an icon of the Church. The differences
and similarities between the two festal icons (the feasts only being
separated by 10 days) are deliberate. Before the coming of the Holy
Spirit the Church is put into a certain amount of confusion by the
physical absence of Christ. At Pentecost – by the power of the Holy
Spirit – the Church, again represented by the Apostles, is shown in
order. And the Apostles get their halos.
But amid the confusion of the Church before Pentecost there is the
Mother of God, prayerfully and peacefully entreating God, and hoping
upon His promised return. Gazing out, she exhorts us, whilst still amid
the confusion and disorder of the world, to do the same: spiritually
gazing to the heavens in prayer, awaiting the return of Our Lord.
Abandoning on earth the things of
earth, leaving to the dust the things of ash, now, let us come to our
senses and raise on high our eyes and minds.
Mortals, let us make our sight together with our senses fly to heaven’s gates.
Let us imagine we are standing on the Mount of Olives and that we bend our gaze on the Redeemer, as he rides up on a cloud.
For, from where the Lord has hastened back to heaven, there too the One who loves to give has distributed his gifts to his Apostles,
Cherishing them as a father and confirming them, guiding them as sons and saying to them,
‘I am not parting from you. I am with you, and there is no one against you.’
Mortals, let us make our sight together with our senses fly to heaven’s gates.
Let us imagine we are standing on the Mount of Olives and that we bend our gaze on the Redeemer, as he rides up on a cloud.
For, from where the Lord has hastened back to heaven, there too the One who loves to give has distributed his gifts to his Apostles,
Cherishing them as a father and confirming them, guiding them as sons and saying to them,
‘I am not parting from you. I am with you, and there is no one against you.’
(Hymn by St Romanos the Melodist for the Ascension Feast)
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