Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Saint Isaac The Syrian-On True Humility
(Excerpt from Homily 6)
A man who is truly humble is not troubled when he is wronged,
and he says nothing to justify himself against the injustice,but he
accepts slander as truth;he does not attempt to persuade men that
he is calumniated,but he begs forgiveness.
Some have voluntarily drawn upon themselves the repute of being
licentious,while they are not such;others have endured the charge
of adultery ,being far from it,and proclaimed by their tears that they bear the fruit of the sin they had not committed,and have wept,
asking their offenders forgiveness for the iniquity they had not done,their souls all the while being crowned with all purity and chastity;others,lest they be glorified because of the virtuous state which they have hidden within them,have pretended to be lunatics,while in truth they were permeated with divine salt and securely fixed in serenity,so that,because of their uttermost perfection,they had holy angels as heralds of their deeds of valor.
You think that you possess humility.Other men accuse themselves;
but while you cannot even bear to be accused by others,you reckon
yourself humble.
If you are truly humble,by these things try yourself;
whether or not you are troubled when you suffer injustice.
A man who is truly humble is not troubled when he is wronged,
and he says nothing to justify himself against the injustice,but he
accepts slander as truth;he does not attempt to persuade men that
he is calumniated,but he begs forgiveness.
Some have voluntarily drawn upon themselves the repute of being
licentious,while they are not such;others have endured the charge
of adultery ,being far from it,and proclaimed by their tears that they bear the fruit of the sin they had not committed,and have wept,
asking their offenders forgiveness for the iniquity they had not done,their souls all the while being crowned with all purity and chastity;others,lest they be glorified because of the virtuous state which they have hidden within them,have pretended to be lunatics,while in truth they were permeated with divine salt and securely fixed in serenity,so that,because of their uttermost perfection,they had holy angels as heralds of their deeds of valor.
You think that you possess humility.Other men accuse themselves;
but while you cannot even bear to be accused by others,you reckon
yourself humble.
If you are truly humble,by these things try yourself;
whether or not you are troubled when you suffer injustice.
Spiritual Counsels From Elder Cleopas Ilie of Sihastria Monastery
—What kind of words are the most potent to benefit others?
The most powerful word for edifying others is practical—the example of
our lives. St. Isaac the Syrian says the same: “The speech of works is
one thing; beautiful words without deeds, another.” Afterwards he adds:
“Many words without works are like an artist who paints pictures of water
on the wall but is not able to quench his thirst.’’
—Another man asked Fr. Cleopas: “Father Cleopas, can a virtuous Christian
save his family and his village by the holiness of his life?”
How can he not? The more virtuous Christians there are in the world, in a country,
in a community, the more that country or community will be preserved from dangers,
wars, disturbances, famines, and all kinds of evil. On the other hand, the fewer
elect of God there are, the more severe will be God’s chastising blow.
Someone asked a certain Saint: ‘’Can one man save a city?’’
‘’He can,’’ the Saint answered. ‘’The Prophet
King David is an example. Listen to what God said: For the sake of David My
servant, I will not abandon the city of Jerusalem.’’
—A visiting layman asked him: “Father Cleopas, I quarrelled with
someone and have asked his forgiveness many times, but he doesn’t want
to forgive me. What can I do to be reconciled with him?”
Do not say anything more to him, nor speak evil of him to others, but pray
to God for him and forgive him from your heart. In time the anger will be extinguished,
like a fire that is starved of wood.
—How should Christians stand in church during services, how should they
pray, and what duties do they have when they go to church?
Christians should stand in church with faith, fear of God, and attention. They
should force themselves as much as possible to pray without distraction and
with feeling of heart. Also, Christians have the following duties: to go regularly
to church, for whoever often misses the services, except for the sick, are barred
from the Holy Mysteries; to be reconciled with all men and to ask forgiveness
of anyone they have hurt; to preserve their purity at least two days before
going to church and at least one day after; to come early to the divine services
in order to have time to venerate in peace and hear Matins. Every Christian
should offer some gift to the Lord according to his ability, even if it is very
small, as a sacrifice from the work of his hands. They should give names for
commemoration, and ask the priest to take out parts [from the prosphora] for
the living and dead members of their families. Christians should stand in church
modestly and in good order, the men on the right and the women on the left.
They should wear clean and modest clothes, and women should have scarves on
their heads. It is forbidden to talk during services without great need. After
Divine Liturgy starts, everyone should remain in his place and not move about
to venerate the icons. They should follow the Liturgy with pious attention,
and listen to the prayers and singing of the choir, the Epistle and Gospel readings,
and the sermon. No one should leave the church before the end of the Liturgy
without great need. Those who have confessed and prepared for Holy Communion
should read the appropriate prayers before Communion in advance, and before
they approach the Holy Gifts they should ask forgiveness of all the faithful.
After the Liturgy, those who received Communion should read the prayers of thanksgiving,
spending that day in spiritual joy and guarding themselves from all temptations.
Parents should bring their children to church regularly, taking care that they
receive communion of the Body and Blood of Christ. After the end of the divine
services, Christians should reverently return to their homes, spending the rest
of the day thinking of holy things, reading spiritual books, and visiting the
sick. They are also obligated to tell those at home who didn’t come to
church about what they heard and learned in church from the troparia, readings,
and the sermon. These are the most important duties of Christians when they
go to church on Sundays and feast days.
—What is prayer, and what kinds of prayer exist, according to the Holy
Evagrius of Pontus says: ‘’Prayer is the converse of the mind with
God. Prayer is an offshoot of meekness and angerlessness.” “Prayer
is a fruit of joy and gratitude. It is the banishing of sadness and despair,’’
according to Evagrius of Pontus. And the Fathers say it is the union and joining
of man with God, the strength of the world, reconciliation with God, the mother
and daughter of tears. Prayer is the key of the kingdom of heaven, and according
to Theophan the Recluse, it is the ascent of the mind and thoughts to God. Prayer
has three degrees: first, spoken or read prayer, performed by the body; second,
prayer of the thoughts, or mental prayer; and third, prayer of the feelings,
or of the heart.
—Generally our people pray little, but with much humility. Can they hope
for salvation through their small quantity of prayer? And how should the sick
or those who can’t read pray?
Our Savior Jesus Christ said: When you pray, do not use vain repetition like
the gentiles, for they think they will be heard for their much speaking. Do
not be like them; for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him (Matt.
6:7-8). Then He taught us the ‘’Our Father.’’ Therefore,
our Savior Himself taught us brief prayer. Anyone who says short prayers, but
with humility and tender feeling, will be saved. Let us remember the holy elder
who prayed for forty years with the same prayer: “Lord, I as a man have
sinned; do Thou as God forgive me.”
—How can people fulfill the Apostle Paul’s command, “Pray without
Anyone can pray without ceasing if he always walks before God with his mind
and heart. He can work with his hands while his mind and heart are raised to
God. The only thing I have to add is that the most important thing in spiritual
prayer is that our mind and heart are inseparable from God, regardless of what
time and place we are in. We must always be aware of the presence of God. “This
work applies to all kinds of prayer, and is considered an uninterrupted prayer,”
says St. Theophan the Recluse. This is the feeling and spiritual contemplation
of God that the blessed Prophet David had when he said: “I beheld the Lord
always before me, for He is at my right hand, that I might not be shaken...”
(Ps. 15:8). So we must understand that a faithful man’s life is a ceaseless
prayer if his mind is always with God.
—When we do good works, is that also a kind of prayer to God?
Yes, it is. The Apostle Paul tells us this when he says: Whatsoever ye do in
word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and
the Father by Him (Col. 3:17). Whenever one does a good deed for the glory of
God, or speaks for the benefit of others for the glory of God, he has the prayer
of works. Therefore St. Theodore the Studite, counselling his disciples, said
to them: “He who does good deeds and obeys with humility and without protest,
performs liturgy and priesthood”
Taken from
Spiritual Conversations with Romanian Elders by Fr. Ioanichie Balan.
Ἄς σκεφτοῦμε τ’ ἁμαρτήματα ἐκεῖνα πού ὀνομάζουν μερικοί “ἐλαφριά”, καί πού δέν εἶναι βέβαια θανάσιμα, ἔχουν ὅμως κάποιο βάρος ἐνοχῆς. Σ’ αὐτά πέφτουμε ἄλλοτε ἀπό ἀπροσεξία καί ἄγνοια, ἄλλοτε ἀπό χαυνότητα καί ἀσθενική θέληση καί ἄλλοτε συνειδητά, μέ ἀπόλυτη γνώση καί θέληση. Στήν τελευταία περίπτωση ὑπάρχει τό μεγαλύτερο βάρος ἐνοχῆς.
Ἕνα ἁμάρτημα θεωρεῖται ἐλαφρό, ὅταν συγκριθεῖ μέ μιά
θανάσινη ἁμαρτία. Δέν εἶναι ὅμως ἐλαφρό, ὅταν τό δοῦμε μεμονωμένο καί
καθεαυτό. Π.χ. Μιά λίμνη λέγεται μικρή, ὅταν συγκριθεῖ μέ μιά μεγάλη
θάλασσα. Ἀλλ’ αὐτή καθεαυτή δέν εἶναι μικρή, γιατί περιέχει πολύ νερό.
Ἔτσι καί ἡ ἐλαφριά ἁμαρτία μπροστά σέ μιά θανάσιμη ἁμαρτία φαίνεται
Ἀλλά καί αὐτή μόνη της εἶναι ἕνα μεγάλο κακό.
Ἐπειδή καί ἡ μικρή ἁμαρτία καί ἡ μεγάλη εἶναι ἐξίσου παράβαση τοῦ θείου
νόμου, ὅπως ἀναφέρει ὁ εὐαγγελιστής Ἰωάννης: «Πᾶς ὁ ποιῶν τήν ἁμαρτίαν
καί τήν ἀνομίαν ποιεῖ, καί ἡ ἁμαρτία ἐστίν ἀνομία» (Α΄ Ἰω. 3, 4). Καί
ἐπειδή, κατά τόν ἀδελφόθεο Ἰάκωβο, ὅποιος τηρήσει ὅλο τό νόμο, σφάλλει
ὅμως σ’ ἕνα μόνο, γίνεται παραβάτης ὅλου τοῦ νόμου: «Ὅστις ὅλον τόν
νόμον τηρήσῃ πταίσῃ δέ ἐν ἑνί, γέγονε πάντων ἔνοχος» (Ἰακ. 2, 10).
Λοιπόν, ἀγαπητοί μου, πῶς μποροῦμε νά θεωροῦμε μικρά
τά συνηθισμένα ἁμαρτήματά μας, ὅπως εἶναι τά <ἀθῶα> ψέματα, ὁ
θυμός, ἡ ἀνευλάβεια στήν ἐκκλησία, ἡ λύπη καί ἡ μικροζήλεια γιά τά καλά
τοῦ διπλανοῦ μας, ἡ ἀργολογία, τά πολλά ἀστεῖα καί γέλια καί πειράγματα,
ὁ χορτασμός τῆς κοιλιᾶς, ὁ στολισμός τοῦ σώματος καί τόσα ἄλλα; Πῶς
εἶναι δυνατό νά λογαριάζουμε σάν μικρά αὐτά τά ἁμαρτήματα, πού θά
τρομάζαμε ἄν γνωρίζαμε ὅλο τό βάρος τους; Ἄς μή νομίζουμε ὅτι μ’ αὐτά
δέν ἐναντιωνόμαστε στό θέλημα τοῦ Θεοῦ καί δέν χάνουμε τή θεία δόξα τῆς
βασιλείας τῶν οὐρανῶν.
Βρισκόμαστε σέ πλάνη ἄν πιστεύουμε, π.χ., ὅτι τό
συγγνωστό ἁμάρτημα τῆς ἀργολογίας δέν κακοφαίνεται στό Θεό, τή στιγμή
πού εἶναι σαφής ὁ λόγος Του: «Λέγω δέ ὑμῖν ὅτι πᾶν ρῆμα ἀργόν ὅ ἐάν
λαλήσωσιν οἱ ἄνθρωποι, ἀποδώσουσι περί αὐτοῦ λόγον ἐν ἡμέρα κρίσεως· ἐκ
γάρ τῶν λόγων σου δικαιωθήσῃ καί ἐκ τῶν λόγων σου καταδικασθήσῃ>>
(Ματθ. 12, 36).
Πῶς μποροῦμε ἀκόμα νά ποῦμε, ὅτι δέν ἐναντιωνόμαστε
στό θεῖο θέλημα μέ τά ἄτακτα γέλια μας, τή στιγμή πού ὁ ἴδιος ὁ Κύριος
ὄχι μόνο δέν γέλασε ποτέ σάν ἄνθρωπος, ἄλλα καί τέσσερις φορές ἔκλαψε
καί μέ τό στόμα Του μᾶς προειδοποίησε «οὐαί ὑμῖν οἱ γελῶντες νῦν, ὅτι
πενθήσετε καί κλαύσετε;» (Λουκ. 6, 25). Ὁ Μέγας Βασίλειος μάλιστα ὅρισε
καί κανόνα ἀφορισμοῦ μιᾶς ἑβδομάδας γιά τό μοναχό ἤ τή μοναχή πού θά
γελάσει ἤ θά πεῖ ἄπρεπα καί ἀστεῖα λόγια: «Εἰ τις εὐτράπελα φθέγγεται ἤ
γέλωτα ἀπρεπῆ, ἀφοριζέσθω ἑβδομάδα μίαν» (Ἐν τοῖς Ἐπιτιμ. τῶν
Πῶς μποροῦμε νά ποῦμε ὅτι δέν εἶναι ἀντίθετα στό
θέλημα τοῦ Θεοῦ τά ψέματα καί τά φαγοπότια, τή στιγμή πού ὁ Κύριος
προειδοποιεῖ ὅτι θ ἀφανίσει ὅλους τους ψεῦτες – «ἀπολεῖς πάντας τούς
λαλούντας τό ψεῦδος» (Ψαλμ. 5, 7) – καί καταριέται τούς χορτασμένους –
«οὐαί ὑμῖν οἱ ἐμπεπλησμένοι, ὅτι πεινάσετε;» (Λουκ. 6, 25).
Καί γιά νά μιλήσουμε γενικά, πῶς μποροῦμε νά
ἰσχυριστοῦμε πώς τά μικρά ἁμαρτήματα δέν μᾶς ἀφαιροῦν τήν ἀρετή καί τή
Θεία Χάρη, ὅταν τό Ἅγιο Πνεῦμα λέει ἀλληγορικά μέ τό στόμα τοῦ
Ἐκκλησιαστῆ «μυῖαι θανατοῦσαι σαπριοῦσι σκευασίαν ἐλαίου ἡδύσματος;»
(10, 1). Κι αὐτό οἱ Πατέρες τό ἑρμηνεύουν ἔτσι: Οἱ μῦγες, ὅταν πετᾶνε
πάνω ἀπό ἕνα ἀρωματικό μῦρο χωρίς νά σταματᾶνε πάνω του, δέν τό
ἀλλοιώνουν. Ὅταν ὅμως σταθοῦν καί πέσουν μέσα καί ψοφήσουν, τό βρωμίζουν
καί χαλᾶνε τήν εὐωδία του. Ἔτσι καί οἱ μικρές ἁμαρτίες, ὅταν δέν
σταματᾶνε πολύ σέ μιά εὐλαβική κι ἐνάρετη ψυχή, δέν τῆς προξενοῦν τόσο
μεγάλη ζημιά. Ὅταν ὅμως σταθοῦν πολύ, τότε ἡ ψυχή ἀρχίζει νά κλίνει μέ
τή θέλησή της σ’ αὐτές, ὁπότε τῆς ἀφαιροῦν τήν καθαρότητα τῆς ἀρετῆς καί
τήν εὐωδία τῆς Θείας Χάριτος, καί τήν ἐμποδίζουν νά φτάσει στήν
τελειότητα. Τά ἁμαρτήματα αὐτά κάνουν βδελυκτή τήν ψυχή στό Θεό. Γιατί
ἄν μόνο μιά σκέψη ἀδικίας εἶναι βδελυκτή καί μισητή στό Θεό – «βδέλυγμα
Κυρίῳ λογισμός ἄδικος» (Παρ. 15, 26) – κι ἄν μόνο οἱ κακοί λογισμοί
χωρίζουν τήν ψυχή ἀπό τό Θεό – «σκολιοί λογισμοί χωρίζουσιν ἀπό Θεοῦ»
(Σοφ. Σπολ. 1, 3) – πόσο μᾶλλον χωρίζεται ἀπό τήν ἀγάπη τοῦ Θεοῦ ἡ
ταλαίπωρη ψυχή πού ἁμαρτάνει;
Πρέπει λοιπόν ν ἀποφεύγουμε καί τίς ἁμαρτίες πού
θεωροῦνται μικρές. Γιατί θέλοντας ἀπό τή μιά μεριά νά εὐαρεστήσουμε τό
Θεό, καί πέφτοντας ἀπό τήν ἄλλη στά «ἐλαφρά» αὐτά ἁμαρτήματα, πού εἶναι
τόσο μισητά στό Θεό, εἶναι σάν νά θέλουμε νά ἑνώσουμε τόν οὐρανό μέ τόν
ἅδη, τό σκοτάδι μέ τό φῶς, τή φωτιά μέ τό νερό καί τήν ἁγιότητα μέ τήν
κακία. Οἱ ἁμαρτίες αὐτές, ὅσο μικρές κι ἄν φαίνονται, ἔχουν σοβαρή
βαρύτητα, ἀφοῦ προσβάλλουν τόν ἅγιο Θεό. Γιατί καί τό μεγαλύτερο κακό
πού ἀναφέρεται στά κτίσματα, εἶναι ἀσύγκριτα μικρότερο ἀπό ἐκεῖνο πού
ἀναφέρεται στόν Κτίστη.
Ἄς ντραποῦμε λοιπόν, πού δεχθήκαμε στήν καρδιά μας
χωρίς ἀντίρρηση ὅσα δέν θέλει ὁ Θεός. Ἄς ἀποστραφοῦμε χίλιες φορές τήν
ὀλιγωρία πού δείξαμε ὡς τώρα στήν ἐφαρμογή τῶν ἐντολῶν Του, καί ἄς
ἀποφασίσουμε ὄχι μόνο νά μήν κάνουμε τέτοια μικρά ἁμαρτήματα, ἀλλά νά
βγάλουμε τελείως ἀπό τήν καρδιά μας κάθε κλίση σ’ αὐτά. Κι ἄν πέσουμε
καμιά φορά, ἀπό ἀσθένεια τῆς φύσεως καί τῆς θελήσεώς μας, νά μήν
ἀφήσουμε τήν καρδιά μας νά τ’ ἀγαπήσει, ἀλλά γρήγορα νά τά μισήσουμε, νά
μετανοήσουμε, νά ἐξομολογηθοῦμε καί νά παρακαλέσουμε τό Θεό νά μᾶς
δυναμώσει μέ τή χάρη Του γιά νά μήν ξαναπέσουμε.
Ἄς σκεφτοῦμε τώρα τό πλῆθος τῶν κακῶν πού προξενοῦν
στήν ψυχή μας οἱ «ἐλαφριές» ἁμαρτίες. Ὅπως μιά ἀρρώστια, ἔστω καί
ἀσήμαντη, ἐξασθενίζει τό σῶμα, ἔτσι καί οἱ μικρές ἁμαρτίες ἐξασθενίζουν
τήν ψυχή καί τῆς ἀφαιροῦν κάτι ἀπό τήν προθυμία της γιά τό καλό. Κάθε
ἁμαρτία, ὅσο μικρή κι ἄν φαίνεται, μᾶς χωρίζει ἀπό τό Χριστό, ὅπως
ἀναφέρει καί ὁ προφήτης: «Τά ἁμαρτήματα ὑμῶν διιστῶσιν ἀναμέσον ὑμῶν καί
ἀναμέσον τοῦ Θεοῦ» (Ἠσ. 59, 2). Ἀκόμα καί τό μικρό, τό συγγνωστό
ἁμάρτημα ψυχραίνει τήν ἀγάπη, νεκρώνει τήν εὐλάβεια, ξηραίνει τήν
κατάνυξη, στεγνώνει τά δάκρυα, μαραίνει τή μετάνοια καί δέν ἀφήνει τή
Χάρη τοῦ Θεοῦ νά μᾶς ἐπισκεφθεῖ. Τό μεγαλύτερο ὅμως κακό εἶναι, ὅτι ἀπό
τά μικρά αὐτά ἁμαρτήματα θά προχωρήσουμε γρήγορα καί στά μεγάλα, στά
θανάσιμα, πού καταστρέφουν τελείως τόν ταλαίπωρο ἄνθρωπο. Πρῶτο, γιατί
ἀδυνατίζουν τίς καλές ἕξεις τῆς ψυχῆς· δεύτερο, γιατί ἐμποδίζουν τήν
ἐνίσχυση καί ἐνδυνάμωσή μας ἀπό τό Θεό· καί τρίτο, γιατί συνηθίζουν τή
θέλησή μας νά κλίνει εὔκολα στό κακό.
Ἄς δοῦμε τώρα, πῶς ἀπό τά μικρά ἁμαρτήματα περνάει κανείς στά μεγάλα.
Μικρό μᾶς φαίνεται, π.χ., νά κοιτάξουμε ἀπρόσεκτα ἕνα
ὄμορφο πρόσωπο. Ἄς μετρήσουμε ὅμως τίς ἁμαρτίες, πού γεννιοῦνται ἀπ’
αὐτό. Ἡ παρατήρηση τῆς ὀμορφιᾶς τοῦ προσώπου ἐκείνου γέννησε τήν
προσβολή· ἡ προσβολή τόν ἡδονικό συνδυασμό· ὁ συνδυασμός τή συγκατάθεση·
ἡ συγκατάθεση τήν πτώση· ἡ πτώση τή συνήθεια· ἡ συνήθεια τήν ἕξη· ἡ ἕξη
τήν ἀνάγκη· ἡ ἀνάγκη τήν ἀπελπισία· ἡ ἀπελπισία τήν κόλαση! Βλέπεις,
ἀπ’ αὐτό μονάχα τό παράδειγμα, τί μακριά ἁλυσίδα ἁμαρτιῶν γεννοῦν
ἐκεῖνα, πού ἐσύ ὀνομάζεις ἐλαφρά ἁμαρτήματα; Γιατί ὅποιος δέν ὑπολογίζει
τά μικρά, πέφτει καί στά μεγάλα, ὅπως λέει τό Ἅγιο Πνεῦμα στή Σοφία
Σειράχ: «Ὁ ἐξουθενῶν τά ὀλίγα κατά μικρόν πεσεῖται» (19, 1).
Σταχυολόγηση καί διασκευή κειμένου
ἀπό τά “Πνευματικά Γυμνάσματα”
τοῦ ὁσίου Νικοδήμου τοῦ Ἁγιορείτου
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