Ομιλία πατρός Ανδρέα Κονάνου στον
Ιερό Ναό Κοιμήσεως Θεοτόκου Ηλιουπόλεως
Θέμα «τι θέλεις, παιδί μου; ...»
17 Φεβρουαρίου 2013
Sunday, 21 July 2013
Saint Theophylact of Ochrid -The Healing of the Centurion's Servant
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
The Healing of the Centurion's Servant
Matthew 8:5-13
From The Explanation of the Gospel of St. Matthew
by Blessed Theophylact, Archbishop of Ochrid and Bulgaria
5-6. And when Jesus entered into Capernaum, there came unto Him a centurion, beseeching him, and saying.
This man, too, did not approach Jesus while He was on the mountain, so
as not to interrupt the teaching. This is the same man mentioned by Luke
[Lk. 7:1-10]. Although Luke says that the centurion sent to Jesus
others who were elders, this does not contradict Matthew who says that
the centurion himself came to Jesus. It is altogether likely that first
he sent others, and then, when death was imminent, he himself came and
6-7. Lord, my servant lieth at home a paralytic, grievously tormented. And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him.
The centurion did not bring his servant lying on his bed to Jesus, as
he believed that Jesus could heal him even from a distance. Therefore:
The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that Thou
shouldest enter under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant
shall be healed. For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under
me: and I say to this man, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and
he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it. When Jesus heard
it, He marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto
you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. The
centurion says, "If I who am the servant of the emperor command the
soldiers who are under me, how much more so art Thou able to command
death and the illnesses, so that they depart from one and beset
another?" For illnesses of the body are God’s soldiers and officers of
punishment. Christ marvels, therefore, saying, "I have not found such
great faith among the Israelites as I have in this Gentile." (1)
And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and
shall sit at table with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of
heaven. But the sons of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer
darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Jesus did
not say outright, "Many Gentiles shall sit at table with Abraham...."
But He said it in a roundabout manner, so as not to scandalize the Jews,
Many shall come from the east and west. He mentioned Abraham to show that He does not stand in opposition to the Old Testament. By saying outer darkness,
He shows that there is also an inner darkness which is less severe. For
in hell there are varying degrees of punishment. He calls the Jews the sons of the kingdom, for the promises of the Old Testament were made to them. He is saying, Israel is my firstborn son [Ex. 4:22].
And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast
believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the
selfsame hour. And when the centurion returned to his house, at the same
hour, he found his servant well. Healing the servant by His word
alone, Jesus showed that He also spoke the truth when He said that the
Jews would be cast out from the kingdom.
1. A
scholion in the Greek text adds: Others have interpreted these words
thus: When Jacob, the renowned patriarch, beheld the ladder reaching up
to heaven and the angels of God ascending and descending, he understood
that God was present in that place, but not that He is everywhere
present. Thus he said, How fearful is this place! This is none other than the house of God.
[Gen. 28:16-17] The Lord now marvels at the great and supernatural
faith of this Gentile, saying, "Not even in Israel"—that is, in
Jacob—"did I find such faith. For Jacob understood that I could appear
in one place, but this man understands that I am everywhere in all
places and that by word alone I can do all things. For he said, "Only
speak the word, and my servant shall be healed."
Ένα - ένα βήμα....!

"Στήριξον τα διαβήματά μου εν ταις οδοίς Σου, διά να μη σαλευθώσιν οι πόδες μου." Ψαλμός ιζ΄ 5
Μια γυναίκα είδε ένα όνειρο.
Βρισκόταν, λέει, ανάμεσα σ’ ένα πλήθος χαρούμενων νέων πάνω σ’ έναν καταπράσινο λόφο.
Μπροστά της ξεκινούσε ένα στενό, ανώμαλο μονοπάτι, που πιο πέρα γινόταν χαράδρα.
Όλο ανηφόριζε κι ήταν στρωμένο με
μεγάλες, μυτερές πέτρες και άγρια αγκάθια.
μεγάλες, μυτερές πέτρες και άγρια αγκάθια.
Μια φωνή την πρόσταξε:
«Αυτός είναι ο δρόμος της ζωής σου. Περπάτησέ τον!»
Αυτή φοβήθηκε, μαζεύτηκε και αρνήθηκε.
πόδι δεν μπορεί να πατήσει σ’ αυτό το δρόμο χωρίς να ματώσει. Δεν έχω
τη δύναμη να σκαρφαλώσω. Θα ματώσω, θα λιποθυμήσω, θα πεθάνω».
Η φωνή συνέχισε: «Αυτό το μονοπάτι φτιάχτηκε για σένα. Προχώρησε».
Η γυναίκα ξεκίνησε.
Δυο βήματα πιο κάτω άρχιζαν τα’ αγκάθια και οι πέτρες.
Μα ξαφνικά, μόλις σήκωσε το πόδι της, ένα παιδί, σαν άγγελος, βρέθηκε μπροστά της και καθάρισε τόσο τόπο, ώστε να χωράει ακριβώς μια πατημασιά.
Η γυναίκα πάτησε το πόδι της και το παιδί καθάρισε άλλη μια πατημασιά.
Έτσι συνέχισε το δρόμο της.
γύρισε το κεφάλι της για να δει πόσο είχε προχωρήσει, εκεί, στην αρχή
του μονοπατιού, στεκόταν ο Κύριος κι έδειχνε στο παιδάκι με το δάχτυλο
πού ακριβώς να κάνει τόπο για το πόδι της.
Αυτό το όνειρο κυριάρχησε στη σκέψη της σ’ όλη της τη ζωή και ανακούφισε κάθε πικρή της στιγμή...
Η ζωή του Χριστού φαίνεται δύσκολη, ο διάβολος την παρουσιάζει ακατόρθωτη.
Μα είναι ο Χριστός, που με την αναγέννηση που μας χαρίζει, την κάνει μπορετή και όμορφη.
Ο δρόμος Του είναι στενός, μα δεν είμαστε μόνοι.
Εκείνος στηρίζει το κάθε μας βήμα.
μου, μάθε με να μην κοιτάζω τις δυσκολίες και τις δοκιμασίες, μα να
κοιτάζω στα μάτια Εσένα με πίστη κι έτσι να παίρνω δύναμη και να προχωρώ
με θάρρος και χαρά για την Ουράνια Πατρίδα.
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