In icons of St. Nicholas, the Lord Savior is
usually depicted on one side with a Gospel in His hands, and the
Most-holy Virgin Theotokos is depicted on the other side with an
episcopal omophorion in her hands. This has a twofold historical
significance: first, it signifies the calling of Nicholas to the
hierarchical office, and second, it signifies his exoneration from the
condemnation that followed his confrontation with Arius. St. Methodius,
Patriarch of Constantinople, writes: ``One night St. Nicholas saw our
Savior in glory, standing by him and extending to him the Gospel,
adorned with gold and pearls. On his other side, he saw the Theotokos,
who was placing the episcopal pallium on his shoulders.'' Shortly after
this vision, John the Archbishop of Myra died and St. Nicholas was
appointed archbishop of that city. That was the first incident. The
second incident occurred at the time of the First Ecumenical Council in
Nicaea. Unable to stop Arius through reason from espousing the
irrational blasphemy against the Son of God and His Most-holy Mother,
St. Nicholas struck Arius on the face with his hand. The Holy Fathers at
the Council, protesting such an action, banned Nicholas from the
Council and deprived him of all emblems of the episcopal rank. That same
night, several of the Holy Fathers saw an identical vision: how the
Lord Savior and the Most-holy Theotokos were standing around St.
Nicholas-on one side the Lord Savior with the Gospel, and on the other
side the Most-holy Theotokos with a pallium, presenting the saint with
the episcopal emblems that had been removed from him. Seeing this, the
fathers were awestruck and quickly returned to Nicholas that which had
been removed. They began to respect him as a great chosen one of God,
and they interpreted his actions against Arius not as an act of
unreasonable anger, but rather an expression of great zeal for God's
Saint Nikolai Velimirovich
How did you know that Nikolai is my patron with the Theotokas servant of Christ Mary