Two Great Fathers of The Church answer this question...
St Gregory the Theologian, Bishop of Nazianzus
Worthy of faith is every [priest] (called) to purify thee, if only he be
of the number of those who have received authority for this, who are
not manifestly condemned and not alienated from the Church. Thou, who
requirest treatment, judge not the judges, look not into the worthiness
of those cleansing thee, make not a selection, looking at the parents.
Even if one is better and another lower, still every one is higher than
thee. Reason thus: there are two rings - one of gold and one of iron -
and on both is engraved one and the same royal countenance, and by both
are wax seals made. In what way does one seal differ from the other? In
no way. Identify the material on the wax, if thou art wiser than
everyone; tell which impression is from the iron ring and which from the
gold ring? And why are they identical? For although the material is
different, but there is no difference in the seals. So too may every
[priest] be a baptizer for thee, for even though one surpasses another
by his life, but the force of Baptism is equal, and every [priest] who
is instructed in the same faith can equally bring thee to perfection.
St John Chrysostom
It happens that laymen live in piety, while priests live in
unrighteousness, and therefore, if grace were to seek everywhere only
the worthy, neither Baptism nor the offering of the Body of Christ ought
to be performed through them. But now the Lord usually acts even
through the unworthy, and the grace of Baptism is not in the least
injured by the life of the priest. I say this so that anyone strictly
examining the life of a priest would not begin to be tempted, reasoning
about what he performs in the Sacraments. For a man does not introduce
anything from himself, but all this is the work of God's power, and God
sanctifies you in the Sacraments.
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