Holy Baptism is like a door by which those that are baptized enter into the holy Church
and become fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God (Eph.
2:19). And not just so, but before Baptism there are renunciations and vows:
1. We then renounced Satan and all his evil works. Satan is a wicked and evil spirit.
He was created good by God, but he and those of like mind with him apostasized from Him,
and so from light they became dark, and from good they became evil and wicked. His works
are idolatry, pride, adultery, prodigality, all uncleanliness, slander, blasphemy and
every sin; for he is the inventor of sin, and he beguiled our ancestors in paradise and
led them into sin and apostasy from God. We renounce this wicked spirit and all his evil
works before Baptism.
2. We renounce every vanity, pride and pomp of this world, as ones called to and
renewed for everlasting life.
3. We promise to serve Christ the Son of God in faith and in truth together with the
Father and the Holy Spirit, and to follow in His footsteps.