Thursday, 27 November 2014

The Stranger Sitting on the Television...

The following story is told by John Chrysopoulou, an architect from Alexandroupoli:

I’m married to Evanthia Siontopoulou, and we have three children. A few years ago when my son Christos was three and a half years old, he was watching his mother burn incense in the home. He followed her around the whole house with a wooden rattle which looked like a censer, while she censed [the house], repeating, “Lord have mercy.”
One day, while playing his censing game as he usually did, he neglected toburn” incense in the corner of the living room where the TV was. My wife noticed this and asked why he didn’t cense the whole living room.
Christos replied, quite naturally, that the stranger sitting on the TV would not allow him to burn incense there.
“But what stranger?” my wife asked.
Him, dear mother, who sits on the TV, don’t you see [him]?
Christos saw, with the pure eyes of his soul the devil on the TV, who inhibited even Christos’ make-believe incense.

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